How to cancel an Amazon seller account
When Amazon sellers are ready to move on to bigger and better things, their first inclination is to close or cancel their seller account.
This is a huge mistake because just like you can sell a profitable business, you can sell your seller account, even if your Amazon business was never profitable.
It is a lot more desirable than just closing your account and walking away with nothing and it is 100% completely secure and safe.
However, if you choose to close your amazon seller account, Amazon cannot reactivate or reinstate closed accounts. Basically, there’s no going back.
If you have a North America Unified Account and you close your seller account, all of your other eligible accounts will be shut down at the same time. For example, if you close your United States account, your Canada and Mexico accounts will also be closed.
Depending on the age of the account and the number of seller feedback ratings, it could be worth several thousand dollars. It is generally worth a few hundred dollars when you have a newer account, so be sure to get your account regularly appraised to discover its value and receive payment in most cases within 24 – 48 hours.
So how do these buyers and sellers connect? There is a private investor that buys and sells Amazon seller accounts. So before you cancel or delete your account, you might want to consider getting a cash offer for yours rather than just deleting your account, walking away and getting nothing.
The next obvious question is how do you get in touch with this investor to find out how much your seller account is worth?
First, if your seller account has a large amount of negative feedback from buyers and/or recent performance notifications that has put your account at risk for suspension, it can still be sold but will only be worth a few hundred dollars at best. And of course, if your account has been suspended by Amazon, it is not able to be sold.
If your account is in good standing, even if it has been dormant for a while, then it is probably quite valuable.
We wanted to experiment with a case study, so we contacted a few people we knew who had quit selling on Amazon in the past. They never closed their accounts, so those accounts were still open and able to continue selling with no problem.
When we told them that they might be able to sell their accounts, all three were quite excited about the opportunity. After locating the private investor that buys them through some close contacts in the business, we provided them with his contact details.
We let them complete the online form, get a cash offer, and be mindful of security during the process. We asked them to report back to us with the details of their experiences to share them with our readers.
After a few days, all three had successfully sold their accounts for a few thousand dollars each and were quite delighted. Their seller accounts were several years old with a few hundred seller feedback ratings, which made them more valuable, and they explained the process to us.
They submitted some basic information about their account through an online form. He then made an offer within 24 hours to purchase the account, verified that all of their other eligible accounts were legitimate, and paid them.
It is important to make sure that Amazon has all your current bank account details up to date so that you can receive the final payment.
Once they confirmed receipt of the funds, their sensitive information was removed, replaced with the new info he provided them with, and initiated the transfer process.
This made the entire process 100% safe and secure.
From start to finish, it only took a few days to complete. When they reported their similar experiences back to us, we were quite surprised at how easy and quickly the entire process went.
When questioned about the security of the transaction, they all mentioned that they felt very secure with the process as the broker purchased the account from them first and waited until they confirmed receipt of the funds before they were asked to transfer their accounts.
Submit your info below to get a cash offer for your seller account within 24 hours.
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Submit Your Info Below To Get A Cash Offer For Your Account In 24 Hours!
If you decide that selling your account is not right for you and you wish to cancel or delete your Amazon seller account, here’s how you do it step by step.
- Simply log in to your Amazon seller central account.
- Go to the settings tab in the upper right corner and click on Account Info.
- Click the blue link titled Close Account and follow the instructions. See the screenshot below for reference.
- Your account will be closed.
I've been selling on Amazon since 2013 as well as several other online streams of income. I love experimenting with new ideas and teaching others how to be financially free.
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